When you think outdoors, camping is perhaps the first quick idea that comes to your mind. This age-old outdoor activity is an excellent way of spending time with yourself, family, and nature. Finding convenient family tents should be your priority. Solo camping may be good, but nothing beats camping with family and friends or a planned group trip. It’s a great time to bond and discover each other's interests away from home.
You want quality items that you can depend on, and if you have it, you can add a little extra to your bottom line.
However, safety and comfort when camping are an absolute necessity. Unless you are in an adrenaline spiking adventure, you will want a safe, comfortable place to lay your head and spend some time. Therefore a quality tent is among the top of the camping list. You will need a 6 person tent that is adequate for your friends and family and one that ticks all the quality boxes.
However, sic person tents are pricier and heavier than smaller tents- which means they are ideal for car camping.
Build up your camping section over time and watch your bottom line grow.

“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.”
- Alice Walker -
The options in the market are diverse and can be confusing. That’s why we have narrowed the focus to the best six-person tents available. Read through and hopefully find one that matches your preference.
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Best 6 Person Tent Reviews 2021
Camping is a beautiful time to bond with family and friends and enjoy the night sky view together. For you to enjoy the experience, you have to look for the factors discussed as well as what tent fits your style and needs, not just for you but for the other tent occupants too. When you tick most boxes, you will be on the path to enjoying the best camping adventure yet.
So, grab your tent and make life long memories with your family and friends!
Don't have one yet? Here's our top picks for the best large camping tent brands. For each brand, we have reviewed one of their most popular 6 person tents for camping. However, if you're looking for a large tent for camping and are not sure whether a 6 person tents are big enough, do keep in mind that these quality brands also make bigger ones too!
In a hurry? You can skip ahead to our top 5 price comparison list!

Coleman 6 Person Dome Tent with Screen Room
If you are thinking of taking some time off and go camping with friends and family, you might want to consider the Coleman Evanston Dome Tent with Screen Room. It tops this list for excellent reasons. To start with, its adequate in size and a perfect fit for all your family tents needs with enough sleeping space. It has a roomy interior with a sufficient center height. It can fit two queen-size air beds, enough for everyone. The tent also has weather resistance features with welded corners and inverted seams to keep the rain at bay.
Are you getting ready for camping in the rainy season? No need to worry as the camping tents come with rainfly offers for extra weather conditions protection. The tent offers a bug-free lounging that keeps bugs at bay. The Coleman 6 person tents have a conventional pitch, and set up is very easy. It takes about 15 minutes to get the tent up.
Similarly, to take down the tent is equally easy. The tent has a carry storage bag included as one among its key features. Do not worry about purchasing the tent as it comes with a one-year warranty, and the customer care before and after-sale services are top-notch. By the way, if you need really large tent, this one also comes in an 8 person size!
- Roomy interior for a large family
- Conventional pitch for easy set up
- Inverted seams and welded corners make it weatherproof
- Full floor screen to keep away bugs
- Includes a carrying case for easy storage
- Easy to take down
- May tear if a lot of stress is exerted during pitching
- No permanent back cover making it very cold
- It weighs almost around 20 pounds, so its best preferred for car camping and festivals.

CORE Equipment 6 Person Dome Camping Tent
Getting out and spending time with the people that matter most to you has been made extremely easy and fun for you. This is because the Core Equipment understands that you deserve to get the best out of your time outdoors with loved ones. This 6-Person Dome Tent from Core has adequate room for six persons with ample space to move about. It fits two queen size air mattress.
It also venting mesh that allows air to escape. It also comes with an adjustable ground vent. It is effortless to set up and take down is easy too. The Core camping tent is uniquely designed with the core water block technology that keeps the tent completely waterproof. the seams are also well done to seal water.
The tent also comes with a rainfly for extra protection. It is also enhanced with a gear loft with lantern hook pockets conducive for your gear storage purposes.. They help with organization and help keep things off the floor area. The tent also has electric port access that keeps your electric devices fully powered. The tent is also beautiful and gives you a magnificent view of the sky at night. It comes with a carrier bag.
Purchase with no worry as you will get a one year warranty.
Don't want a dome tent? Core has many other large tent styles to choose from!
- Boasts of Core’s H2O block technology
- Features a gear loft
- Includes rain fly and tent stakes
- It is enhanced with pockets for extra organization
- Some clients complained that the zip was weak and tore quickly
- May tear if too much pressure is exerted during set up

HikerGarden Waterproof Windproof Camping Tent
Want to make lasting memories on your camping trip? Then the HikerGarden 6-Person Professional Camping Tent is a must-have. This is because the tent is very spacious on the inside with ample room for all the family. It can accommodate two queen-size air mattresses or six inflatable sleeping bags. The height is also excellent, and you do not have to stoop inside the tent. The tent is professionally made, both waterproof and also in terms of wind protection, giving you a comfortable stay during camping. Its well done and does not retain condensed water drops that can be a nuisance. It's easier to set up and take only five minutes. one person can easily set it up.
The HikerGarden tent has adequate ventilation. It is enhanced with a sizeable meshed door and four windows for light and proper circulation of air. This also assists with temperature control. The tent is also bugs proof. Its made from durable, robust materials, and it is a long-lasting tent that you will enjoy camping after camping.
The pole design is reinforced with steel that secures the tent firmly, especially during heavy rains and winds. It is also enhanced with an electric port connection to keep your devices powered tent is easily portable and comes with a carrier bag that is perfect in size. The HikerGarden will give your family an unmatched experience throughout their camping adventure.
- Setting the tent is easy and takes just 5 minutes
- Sturdy steel poles that secure the tent in place correctly
- Easy to assemble and takedown
- Water and windproof
- Some clients complained that the zipper was not strong and tore apart easily
- The fabric may tear if a lot of force is applied during set up

Moon Lence 6 Person Family Camping Tent
Tired of camping tents that keep frustrating you? You ought to try the Moon Lence Double Layer Outdoor Camping Tent. It is widely loved for so many unmatched reasons. To begin with, it has a spacious interior that is well adequate for your family and friends. It fits two queen size air mattresses or six sleeping bags with plenty of room in between.
To make it even more comfortable, it has an all-round rainproof material, keeping you and your items dry throughout your stay. It also comes with a rainfly that can be detached. The material is also UV light protected, giving you essential protection. The moon lence tent is double layered for extra protection.
The Moon Lence tent has adequate ventilation for extra comfort for all campers. This is made possible by the breathable mesh and the large doors that open to allow airflow. The tent is highly resistant to water and wind thanks to the iron pegs that secure the tent correctly.
The tent is extremely easy to set up and can be set up easily by one person in less than 15 minutes. The tent is portable, and once folded, it is a small package that is light enough to move around with. It comes with a bag for easy carrying.
- Excellent water and UV resistance
- Breathable through a large section of mesh
- Ground vent and two windows for better ventilation
- Easy setup time through 2 shock connecting poles
- Some clients reported leakage through the tent
- Interior space could be larger

UNP Tents 6 Person Waterproof Tent
Nothing beats the feeling of a perfect camping experience and an ideal tent. Thanks to the UNP, you and your family or friends can enjoy a perfect camping experience. It is a best choice for so many reasons. To begin with, the 6 person tents meant for family, has a very roomy interior experience—there’s adequate space in the tent for two queen size air mattresses. In addition, the center height is enough, and you do not have to stoop to fit while standing, and this makes movement in the tent convenient.
The tent is well ventilated with two roof vents and a low side vent. The tent has zipped accesses that open for extra ventilation. The tent is waterproof and stays dry even during the rains. The materials making the tent is also sturdy and able to hold during strong winds.
The UNP tent is extremely easy to set up and take just one person or two to set up. Made from high-quality polyester and is long-lasting, camping after camping. The tent is enhanced with a fantastic view of the sky that makes your camping even more memorable/ the tent is enhanced with multiple interior storage options to help with organization inside the tent.
It also comes with electric port access that helps to keep your devices powered. The tent is easily portable and comes with a carrying bag to aid in transportation.
- Includes an electrical access port
- Roomy interior
- Two roof vents for better ventilation
- Made of high quality 185T Polyester material
- Easy 3-minute set up
- Not ideal for tall people
- Some parts may come missing

Best 6 Person Tent Buying Guide — Questions to Consider Before You Buy a Large Tent for Camping

A camping experience should be as great as you planned it. No one plans for a camping trip with shortcomings and one that will not meet your expectations. That said, a camping tent is the backbone of the whole experience. A lot should be put into consideration when picking and settling for a camping tent.
Let's take a look at things to consider when you are shopping for a camping tent. These tips and pointers apply to any tent, not just a large 6 person tent!
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Is the Interior Space Adequate?
A 6-person camping tent is a great deal of a tent. Some of the tents advertised in the market as six-person tents may not fit six persons. For you to nail this, you need to be keen on the interior dimensions to determine the area. You need to have enough space to move around and enough height space because you do not want to stoop inside the tent.
You can go further and look for tents with extra space in the form of lounges, screen rooms, etc. The screen room allows you to store your equipment. Some tents come with extra reinforcement pole at the center, and this may reduce the space inside.
Is There Storage Room?
It may be inconvenient to go camping only to leave your essential luggage in the car. This may cause discomfort and unnecessary movements. It is then essential to look for a tent that will have enough room for the luggage of all occupants.
If you want more than a basic tent, there are tents that come with porches, screen doors, or storage space at the roof. This will ease your movements and make you a lot more comfortable. Some tents also come with extra pockets that allow you to store valuables and small stuff. This keeps the clutter off the ground and keeps the tent a lot more organized.
Does the Tent Allow Air Circulation?
Ventilation is by far the most crucial consideration when looking for a great tent. You do not want a stuffy humid space, especially for six campers! This will create an environment that is far from conducive and undesirable. For this reason, check how ventilated a tent is because your comfort depends on it. Tents come with windows, mesh spaces, and vents.
A tent with floor area vents and roof vents ticks the boxes. Look out for the number of windows and mesh spaces too. They aid in air circulation and ensure that moisture doesn’t accumulate inside the tent.
Is the Tent Waterproof?
Another critical consideration when getting a tent is its resistance to water. A tent that lets water in is by far the worst thing that could happen to you during camping. It will not only ruin your memories, but it could also cause damage to personal belongings. A few factors go into determining how waterproof a tent gets. One is the quality of the rainfly. You can decide to attach guy lines on the tent's rainfly to keep the rainfly away from the tent and minimize leakage.
A good rainfly keeps rainwater at bay by extending beyond the tent walls. During summer camping you can take the rainfly to avoid overheating in the tent. It also drains water to the ground as opposed to directing it to the sides of the tent. The material or fabric is also a key consideration. A tent made of nylon or polyester is desirable. You should also check on the seams and how well they are finished as rain/water could sip through. The zip liner should also be waterproof as it could cause water to sip through.
The groundsheet is also an important consideration. This is because water could find a way to the tent from below. In this case, look to buy a tent with a sewn-in groundsheet as opposed to a separate groundsheet.
Is It Easy to Set Up and Takedown?
No camper looks to buy a tent that is complicated to set up and takes all the time. This is because the more complicated it is, the harder it is to set up and the more prone to set up errors that may compromise the entire process. To this end, the quality of poles comes to play because it is the core of setting up. Aluminum poles are good and hold well and a good option for poles.
Some poles are made of steel, which is sturdy but prone to corrosion. Fiberglass poles are light and break easily but also light to carry around. A suitable material will hold firm and will not cause moisture accumulation in the tent. Some manufactures will have color-coded poles that indicate how they are set up. This makes the job more comfortable, and it’s a plus.
How Easily Can You Get Replacement Parts?
When buying a camping tent, always ensure that you check with the support team has replacement options of the parts. This is because in the event a part breaks, it would not be economical to buy a new tent. Thus, establish the availability of spare parts and ease of access to these parts.

Top 5 Large Camping Tents 2021 — Price Comparison

When shopping for a tent for camping, we understand that the price tag is often an important consideration. To make things easy for you, here is a quick look at our top 5 picks and how budget friendly they cost. Because Amazon tends to have great price point (along with free shipping for most items if you are an Amazon Prime member), we used them for our price comparison.
Best 6 Person Tents 2021 Amazon Prices
Table shows products in order from high to low at the time of our research. Since prices frequently change, the order may not be exact when you view it.
Please Note: Links in this chart go to Amazon, not our reviews.
We hope our reviews and buying guide have helped you pick the best tent for your next camping trip with friends and your planned family camping!
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