Ah! The great gas grill fuel debate. You're on the market for a new gas grill but can't decide between natural gas vs propane. Let's explore the differences and advantages of each to help you decide which gas grill is perfect for your next outdoor barbecue!
Second only to payday or that long awaited paid vacation, is the sight and smell of a sizzling and juicy grilled steak (or veggies if that's your preference)! What else can bring such tantalizing, mouth-watering thoughts apart from foods cooked over an open grill waiting for you to dig in?
People across the world do take grilling seriously, as it is one of the ways to round up friends and family and share some quality time over a bite and drinks. That is why it sparks a great debate when the conversation steers towards natural gas or propane, in regard to grilling.
Do you want the convenience of a natural gas grill or the flexibility of a propane powered grill? When you go shopping for a gas grill, it may not be an easy venture, especially when faced with the choice of either natural gas or propane grill. So, which is the right one for you, in terms of safety, cost, convenience and efficiency?
There is a 50/50 split between propane and natural gas grills — which is why there is a gas grill fuel debate on which one is better. The differences between the two may not be noticeable but there is still a great debate on which one is preferable. Let’s consider the debate in detail.
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Gas Grill Fuel Debate Side 1 — Natural Gas

Natural gas is methane that is pumped directly into homes using underground gas lines. It burns cleaner and it is basically what you use to power your stove, dryer, boiler and heating system. It is much cheaper compared to propane but if you need to install it to a grill in your backyard, you will have to incur some installation costs.
Installing a natural gas grill is like a permanent affair, you will not be able to move the grill around especially when it rains. This makes natural gas grills best for indoor grilling. Natural gas is lighter than air, and therefore, usually finds higher exits within enclosed places. And also, because it burns cleaner, it can be safely used indoors.
Advantages of Natural Gas Grills
Propane gas grills may be popular but natural gas grills are a steady alternative. Here are some advantages of natural gas grills:
Burns clean
Both natural gas and propane have a small carbon footprint but if you are concerned about going green, then natural gas is the way to go. Compared to other gases like gasoline, kerosene and coal, natural gas contributes the least to global warming. It is at the low end of CO2 emissions fuel scale.
Cost effective
Most natural gas users are homes that are physically near a natural gas main, making installation costs way cheaper than propane or other gases. Although some services required to connect a natural gas line to your home may have a higher upfront cost, in the long run, after installation, you would be paying a third of what stocking up on other sources of energy would cost you.
The original hassle of getting natural gas connected to your home notwithstanding, natural gas grills are convenient in the sense that, you won’t have to worry about gas depleting in the middle of barbecuing. You won’t have to run to the gas store for a refill. You only need to light up your grill and enjoy unlimited supply of gas.
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Gas Grill Fuel Debate Side 2 — Propane Gas

Propane joined the grilling race when they started making the shiny metal portable units. It is an excellent fuel for portable grills and it is hotter than natural gas. Because of this, it uses 2.4 times more energy compared to natural gas. Propane tanks must be refilled occasionally making it a little costly than natural gas.
Propane is also heavier than air, as compared to natural gas. Therefore, in case of a leakage, the gas collects on floors in closed areas making it a safety hazard. For this reason, propane gas grills are best used for outdoor barbecuing. Propane is mostly preferred in remote areas where natural gas is not easily available.
When refilling propane tanks, you can either choose to have a new tank altogether or refill the old tank without any inconvenience. Propane is safe to store and easy to find in any region of the country compared to natural gas.
Advantages of Propane Gas Grills
So, how about propane? What does it have over the natural gas counterpart? Let’s take a look!
The biggest advantage of choosing a propane gas grill over natural gas grill is its portability. Propane grills are flexible enough to be moved anywhere in your yard. You can also carry it when you go out camping or for picnics so you won’t have to miss out on a sizzling steak while out in the fields.
Burns hotter
Both natural gas and propane burn hot but when measured, propane burns hotter. This is because it contains 2,500 BTUs per cubic compared to 1000 BTUs for natural gas. Since barbecue requires more heat, propane is the most preferred energy for grilling.
Easy to set up
Connecting propane grill is not rocket science. It is an easy step as you just connect the propane tank to the grill and voila! You start barbecuing away. As much as you may run out of propane gas while in the middle of barbecuing, the current propane grills come with a gauge that tells you the amount of fuel you have remaining in the tank so you can plan to refuel in time.
Additionally, depending upon the model you have, you may not even need to purchase a brand new grill. Many propane grills are actually dual fuel grills and can be converted from propane to natural gas with a conversion kit. How easy is that?

Difference Between Natural Gas and Propane Grills — Which One Wins the Gas Grill Fuel Debate?

Weber Genesis II E-315 3-Burner Grill – Natural Gas Grill or Liquid Propane Grill Available on Amazon
Natural gas grills have more upfront costs but it is a cheaper fuel than propane. Natural gas can cost as low as one-sixth of the cost of propane, after considering the cost of installation of a grill in case you still don’t have one in place.
Propane is stored in tanks that require refill every now and then. The tanks also expire over time and require replacement, unlike natural gas pipes that do not require a replacement. Once the natural gas line is installed, you get to have unlimited supply of gas pumped directly into your home.
Natural gas is lighter than air, making it a safer choice of fuel for your grills. It poses lesser danger and is best used with indoor grills. Unlike propane, that’s heavier than air and can collect in concentrated areas in the house, and a little spark can lead to an explosion. Propane is best used in outdoor grilling.
Video: How to Convert a Propane Grill to Natural Gas
In this video, house flipping brothers Dave and Rich show you how to convert a propane grill to natural gas. using a Char-Broil Infrared grill. | Courtesy of HouseBarons
Propane grills are portable and can be moved around the yard or you can go out camping with it. The grills are smaller making it easy to carry around. Natural gas grills, on the other hand are bulkier and more permanent. They cannot be moved around, even if it was set up in the backyard, when it rains you cannot carry it to the veranda.
For the barbecue lovers who are still passionate about the environment, it is important to note that both natural gas and propane are environmental friendly, but natural gas burns cleaner compared to propane. It produces the least carbon emissions because you don’t have to burn additional fossil fuels like gasoline to travel back and forth refilling empty tanks like you do with propane.

The conclusion of the gas grill fuel debate may favor natural gas due to its cost and friendliness to the environment. It is also a great choice if you want a grill that is fixed only in one place. Propane on the other hand is a perfect choice for those who are always on the move, or people who like trying barbecues in different spots.
It is all a matter of convenience when choosing between natural gas grills and propane gas grills. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, what matters is that your meat never ends up burnt or under-seasoned. May your steaks come out perfectly done!
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